And in the middle of it all

~^ And CC believes in u2 ^~


Paging Crablings ☤

Ok crablings, who has killer meds for pain? What are the best ones out there?

Drugs are okay and your homeopathic 🌾 favorites are appreciated too …. CC and new york city ice don’t mix! 🍸☃

Inbox me with your best or share your stash! ✉


CC 🏥

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Friendship… is innocent, fun and sweet. 
Why did you bother smiling in someone’s face when you were busy gossiping and untrue?
Pooh would not share a honey pot with you.




Beauty & the Beast

Product Luv: Valentinos Day

One step closer to handbag heaven?


A first Valentino, out of nowhere. When CC got the call on this beauty I couldn’t believe it.


Not the bag, or the price….. both were amazing.

At first, with that price, I thought… just sell it. You know…all that dreamy stuff for the papaCrab and crablings futures..we can do this..we can do that.. and then I opened it.

And you know what? I will keep it just for me. My first Valentino.  I earned it, why give it away?

Wish it well!!

(❛‿❛✿̶̥̥) CC


I’m mad at you..But you’re still so hot.🐇

Doc~umentaries 💊

CC has always had a love for medicine. Not many people know this and CC has never really pursued it. Probably because she feels like this about test taking -> 😖😔

But this Saint James School of Medicine keeps popping up so randomly, with open houses in beautiful locations in the city. Although CC is not
sure how it found her…it is inspiring….


Med school options in Bonaire and Anguilla, no MCAT required, school next to unpolluted beaches and tranquility.

So many things can be done there.
And to be honest, who knows what the city still even holds for her?

CC is not sure she can save lives, but help heal them…. Who would think?  😷🎥

Johnny Cash: Open your mouth… Open your mouth…
June Carter: No… I don’t trust you…
Johnny Cash: Oh, June don’t say that…
June Carter: I don’t…
Johnny Cash: Yes, you do… now open your mouth…
[June opens her mouth, but John snatches away the peanut from her again]
June Carter: [hits John ] John, you are a mean man! You’re a mean man, and I knew it… I knew it all along..

June Carter: Ya’ll can’t walk no line.


~walk the line


Monday Funny

Tiny miracles

Product luv: Golden Cuff

Protected: People Want: a poem

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Twinkle Toes

Dedicated to CC’s lovely darling goddaughter who started her new dance classes this weekend. CC loved those days, new leotards, silky shoes, silver taps, ruffles and steps. And pink toes. And she loved it too 🎉💗~Dance baby

*photo taken at Edge School of the Arts, Laurelton, NY


Protected: Pitch Slam..another chance

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Product luv: Raspberry berets

Come harder, this won’t be easy, don’t doubt yourself 🎼


love&light, CC

5 Things: CC Wishes….Yoga and adventure in Costa Rica

Filed under…

My masterpiece

Saturday Shopping: Grey Day

Are you brave?

Friday Funnies: #thingsIWouldDo ♥

Product Love: dress normal

Obsession ❤

surprises on a rainy Thursday morning!

Lay with you Bae

…Laugh with me Bae 💞

the mondays

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Protected: Thieves & Liars


take yo passion (part 2)






To all my writers in LA, this pitch-slam competition for novel or screenwriters comes to your town tomorrow. Take advantage, west coast crablings 🙂 ..CC would be amazed to see this in NYC..xoxo

With this world we’re living in today,   is it one where you just —> Do It …. or exist?


For full info log on to:



image image




cinco things: marquez


chappelle’s show

~mr funny man?~
D.C. is back at it this month with several performances at Radio City Music Hall. I Covet. Want. Need. OK, would adore tickets.
It wasn’t always this way. I remember when the show first came on.
I was mad at him.
Not because I wasn’t cracking up, but because I had to go to out into the world the next day, to work. And it seemed somehow that every… person…. thought it was both ok and cool to say ‘ni**a’. In the context of repeating his lines of course. But still I was mad at him. Thk u.
Some people held that ‘g’ just a little bit longer than required. ‘Ni*******a’…. And who could get mad? He made it okay right?

But then…when he walked away from it all…CC wondered if it was that he…


Could it be? I’m happy and yet sad, I’m happysad.

Why? CC might have to retire her crabbyRide. The story of it’s possible replacement are ultimatums on CC’s mind, but …sigh…that’s a conversation with someone who understands another post for another day. Thk you.

I always wonder how people felt about their first car…even though it is never right to worship material things…crabbyRide wasn’t like that.

It was the first time I owned a car myself. The first time I learned what a refinance was and how to do it. CC knew it was hers …the instant she saw it. Everything about it was sweetness and charmed. Shape, style, and color – a cutie! CC took it for a test drive and
thought… “wait.. I think I’m in love with my stereo”…

That may have been the easiest sale that salesman ever made. For shame 😦

I think about all the moments it has taken CC to in 11 years … quiet times with love, quiet times with BFFs, celebrations, births, rides with crabbyTails hagning out of the window and everything in between….

crabbyRide knows more about crabbyChíque than most people. I never thought about that until this moment. And through all that, it got me there safely… never failing me even in times when I was forced to choose between her well-being or home’s and other important things.

For that CC will always be thankful.
There are offers for it and I hope whoever gets her will cherish and protect and be careful, she may bring you love 🙂

What do u think? Have you ever given up a vintage part of your life?💌



Product Love…raspberry beret


“Put my dreams out there..
…and hope to catch them on the way back
⚘ CC ♥

Product Love: private dancer

Gloria: I’m taking a shower, would you like to join me?
Jay:Honey, you know there’s a gun in the footlocker in the garage, if I ever say no, I want you to use it on me


grateful ~ mar. 28~


5 Yummy Reasons…. Game night

Not many people know that CCs day job is at HBO. Thank God for the he and she that helped me say yes..If it all ended tomorrow I could hands down, say it is an unbelievable experience in this young crab’s life.
So what makes a Game of Thrones premier one of the best TV premiers?
CC learned today. Here we go….
5…Give Searcy and Tyrion the bEST lines: “and my youngest daugh-tah is about to marry a pillow bitah”
4…Throw in gore, filth, the dragons, a new side of Sansa and a golden glove. Watch on April 6!
3…Include a producer and actors in the audience with us and ask them crazy questions while they talk about their inspiration and passion for their job. They might be some of the happiest employees ever ? (with a Scottish(?) accent)
2…Watch a coworker pull a Heineken out of his jacket
1…Secretly wish for a pony too
What are the crablings most looking forward to? Write back in after the premier 😉

luv and respect
